Top 10 reasons NOT to move to Rhode Island. The smallest state in the United States.

Top 10 reasons NOT to move to Rhode Island. The smallest state in the United States.

Top 10 reasons NOT to move to Rhode Island. The smallest state in the United States. Rhode Island isn’t the worst state but it does have it’s problems like all states. This video is just some things to consider before you move to Rhode Island.

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MillieCat Footage

Almost done with the New England states

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  1. The Truth Reelz- S.E.Connelly on November 29, 2021 at 12:13 am

    I am relocating to Warwick from Florida..

  2. Anthony Cappucci on November 29, 2021 at 12:13 am

    It’s cold and snow’s there? You mean like the rest of the Northern States?

  3. Quaramel on November 29, 2021 at 12:16 am

    Stupid title.

  4. FPS Fatality on November 29, 2021 at 12:20 am


  5. Finn Palmer on November 29, 2021 at 12:22 am

    i live there the water isnt cold

  6. Mark Abrams on November 29, 2021 at 12:22 am

    #10 False – I have a state beach pass and typically go to the beach in June – September.
    #9 True – Taxes are high, but people are willing fund social programs and education institutions.
    #8 False – Cianci was a complicated character, but people were loyal to him because of the major transformations that he drove to transform the city. It is a center for arts and culture in good part to the work of Buddy.
    #7 True – I would say that there are so many public works repairs going on across the state especially the last 6 years including major bridges and highways.
    #6 False – Friggin’ almost no one eats Johnny Cakes. In fact, you have to really look to find them on any menu…anywhere. (This is something you read) In fact, the food and the food culture in this state. RI has some of best Italian period (I’m originally from NY). Calamari is a fantastic dish. Midwest food is flavorless.
    5# False. False. It is absolutely no boring. People come here to vacation. There is a vibrant live music scene, bars, sports, independent restaurants, and there are no less than 14 live theaters around the state. (I’ve lived in 9 states from NY to TX, NM, CA, MS, NC, MD, PA and traveled extensively around the US for work.) On this point, you are “smokin’ crack”. In fact, you can go into Providence absolutely any night of the week and many nightspots and restaurants are filled. Check out Water Fire as one example.
    4# True – Yes, the accents were difficult for me to get used to coming from another area.
    3# True – Weather is unpredictable. The amount of snow is a fraction of some other places in New England. My brother lives in NH where winters last 4-6 weeks longer for the snow to go away and typically 6-10 degrees colder. (someone moving from LA wouldn’t be acclimated to any snow, but we don’t have large forest fires, smog, mudslides, etc.)
    2# Maybe true. I think weather may be a factor for some people.
    1# False. There are a high-tech jobs available. I work for #4 on the Fortune 500 – whose corporate HQ is in RI employing some 30K people. (An insignificant number of people work at the universities and they are not major employers. Your facts are incorrect.) Hospitality industry is still a significant employer in the state. Why? Because tons of people visit here because it’s nice.

    Overall, your list is wildly inaccurate. Did you just make this stuff up?

  7. Jiboia Jin on November 29, 2021 at 12:23 am

    That swimming part isn’t true, you can go swimming all summer. I grew up going to Fogland Beach in Tiverton RI.

  8. Loud Prod on November 29, 2021 at 12:23 am

    *Top 10 reasons why NOT so subscribe to World According to Briggs*

  9. Fantasy Daily on November 29, 2021 at 12:24 am

    Ri Resident here. would not recommend.

  10. voodoo on November 29, 2021 at 12:24 am

    You forgot about the divorce rate in this state. Around 95% of homes in RI has a Divorced family. Move to RI tho, it’s fun.

  11. TrashOnly on November 29, 2021 at 12:27 am

    Cianci did a lot for the city.

  12. Sebastian Torres on November 29, 2021 at 12:29 am

    Ill move this weekend 😬

  13. Mike Ferrone on November 29, 2021 at 12:30 am

    Arthur:Rhode Island is so small they’re thinking of carpeting it..😆..

  14. X Period on November 29, 2021 at 12:33 am

    Rhode Island SUCKS. Been here my whole life can’t wait to leave

  15. Sean Lasser on November 29, 2021 at 12:36 am

    Keep it up. It’s based enough. EVERYONE overlooks it connection to the express Boston T.. It has a million nooks to discover and the values of the 1980’s today. Finding this on the East coast is IMPOSSIBLE. I lived on the water (shortly) after a divorce for 780.00 a month. Keep up these vids. ITS BORING

  16. Anthony Cappucci on November 29, 2021 at 12:36 am

    Not much swimming time? Are you serious?

  17. Frederic Ok on November 29, 2021 at 12:37 am


  18. Amanda Wernik Braxton on November 29, 2021 at 12:38 am

    Accent is Boston/Brooklyn with smattering of f on lol

  19. Master401 on November 29, 2021 at 12:40 am

    I lived in RI all my live and have Never ever heard anyone called it "little Rhody"

  20. Eagle 🦅 Bearer on November 29, 2021 at 12:40 am

    But family guy is from there 😜

  21. CJGfarm on November 29, 2021 at 12:40 am

    Rhode Isanders loved Cianci. Providence was a hell hole before he cleaned up.

  22. TrashOnly on November 29, 2021 at 12:42 am

    Newport Bristol two beautiful towns, lots of historic districts, low crime in a lot of towns. It’s peaceful mostly. It’s expensive to live in these types of areas. Lots of out of state people buy property up to rent to college students, renting gets expensive. But I can walk and get everything I really need to live. Beautiful ocean front 5 minute walk and your watching the boats and looking at the sunrise it’s beautiful here.

  23. Marilyn Willett on November 29, 2021 at 12:42 am

    The good food, I lived in other states and Europe, and you cannot get food as good as RHODE ISLAND food, unless its one of the main casinos’s buffet in Vegas.

  24. mark hine on November 29, 2021 at 12:42 am

    Been there…hated that. Rhode Islabd pretty much sucks. Luckily you get thru it fairly quickly…but that just means you are going into mass. or conn. They suck too!!!. Like in missouri, if a cop stops you n asks whats the hurry…you can use the comeback "just trying to get the f*** out of your state" n probably wont get ticketed, cause the cops sympathizes with you!!!!

  25. Matt Wilkinson on November 29, 2021 at 12:44 am

    I’m from Rode Island and I couldn’t dislike this video fast enough! The beach is fine from mid-may to early October. Yeah Buddy Cianci was corrupt, but he made Providence a safe and vibrant city! They say Rhode Island was better when run by the mob and I have to agree, no matter how much of a catch-22 it is. You don’t like seafood? Fine. Don’t eat it! This isn’t Japan where literally half their diet is fish! Winters are pretty mild compared to northern New England. We usually get less than a foot of snow and it’ll take maybe an hour to dig your car out! 32° in the winter is nothing! If Rhode Island is boring, how come over 20 million people visit every year? Our accent is not as thick as the Boston accent and you hear way more F-bombs in Boston! Yeah all states have issues like high taxes but we only rank #9 in highest cost of living (Connecticut is 8th highest, Mass is 5th highest). Yeah our roads have potholes, but guess what? Your car has a steering wheel to swerve around them! No state is perfect but what is your deal here? Do more thorough research before you post a video like this!

  26. J T on November 29, 2021 at 12:46 am

    Waste of time watching this video.

  27. ReptileKing on November 29, 2021 at 12:47 am

    I live in Rhode Island and seafood isn’t that popular.

  28. Cracker Jack on November 29, 2021 at 12:47 am

    Am I the only one from RI that hates seafood? I jus started liking coffee recently.

    Nd lemme say this. RI drivers crazy. I live in PA rn nd none of the drivers here would last in RI

  29. Domenic Bruzzi on November 29, 2021 at 12:50 am

    Johnny Cakes are a New Hampshire thing, Italian food is more popular than seafood here, Providence takes up less than 10% of the state, and Buddy Cianci may have been a crooked Mayor, but when he was in office the streets were safer to walk on at night, there were no mass congregations of heroin addicts, no panhandlers on every single corner, and small family-owned businesses thrived. I’m not saying Rhode Island doesn’t suck because it does, but at least give good reasons. The tax one was good. Taxes are insane here. I never go to the beach so I don’t really care about that. The Winters aren’t "bad." They’re just normal Winters. CVS, Amica, and General Dynamics/Electric Boat are some of the top employers, none of which are located in Providence, so that 90% thing is out the window. And I get that accents aren’t a reason to not move somewhere, but making a video called 10 reasons NOT to move somewhere then using accents as one of your ten reasons NOT to move somewhere only to say in the same video that it’s not a reason to not move somewhere despite the fact that you’re listing it as one reason not to move somewhere, just makes you look like a straight up dumbass.

  30. Michael Wite on November 29, 2021 at 12:50 am


  31. Melissa Orellana on November 29, 2021 at 12:51 am

    Yo my bff goes to the beach in the WATER 2 times a week lol 😂 this is not true

  32. Maitham Talal on November 29, 2021 at 12:52 am

    I used to live in Rhode Island but, it’s not as bad as you think even tho it sometimes get windy!

  33. Mae T on November 29, 2021 at 12:56 am

    Lol Born and raised in RI. I agree 100% except for #1, I’ve never had a problem finding a job. Outside of Providence, there’s plenty of jobs. I’m not a sea food enthusiast either, old school, I prefer meat and tators. 😊

  34. Banna Is Salty on November 29, 2021 at 12:57 am

    Yes don’t move here and take the tourists with you, THEY CANT DRIVE

  35. MangoFox 299 on November 29, 2021 at 12:57 am

    I find this video 95% inaccurate

  36. EnderGamer 87 on November 29, 2021 at 1:01 am

    The swimming is not true when I was there on vacation every day the water was warm

  37. kuromii on November 29, 2021 at 1:02 am

    Move their I love it I live their! Has alot of sea food

  38. jeff allcock on November 29, 2021 at 1:03 am

    Some funny stuff here (like, an accent is a reason not to move to RI) but no. 1 is serious: lack of a variety of good paying jobs.

  39. nightingale Solo on November 29, 2021 at 1:03 am

    Hate your voice

  40. ReptileKing on November 29, 2021 at 1:03 am

    Winter isn’t very bad here. Unless you don’t live here.

  41. Kaitlyn C on November 29, 2021 at 1:05 am

    I grew up here but now I live on the other side of the state in Newport it’s beautiful. There is water always 15 mins away. I can’t imagine living somewhere with no water. 🏊👍and you never have to drive far

  42. katherine curtis on November 29, 2021 at 1:05 am

    ok, you can shut up

  43. Ruben Castillo Kuperman on November 29, 2021 at 1:06 am

    Am i the only rhode islander that still goes to the beach in October?

  44. davidbp4 on November 29, 2021 at 1:07 am

    … I’m not born/bred in RI so I don’t feel defensive, but I currently live near it and… 1- there’s 30+ exits on I-95…. 2- Ct sucks? some aspects do, most don’t…. 3- snow? I’ve lived in Colorado and upstate NY, both get a lot more snow… Ct n’ RI winters are relatively reasonable… 4- boring? maybe if you’re a boring person… RI has plenty of live music, art galleries, museums and nature….. 6- your point about the beaches, lack of swimming? complete bs… it’s not Cal or Fla but there’s 3-4 months of good swimming, more months for sailing… and one doesn’t have to swim/surf/sail year round to still enjoy the beauty of the ocean… and not on your list is 6- your voice is irritating a/f…. you sound like Sheldon (from Big Bang Theory)… difference is he’s funny….. and your bit about eradication vs erection? you a sophomore in college? or high-school? 6a- haven’t wasted 8+ minutes in a long time… won’t be subscribing to your ridiculous page…

  45. Stephanie Esther on November 29, 2021 at 1:07 am

    What an annoying guy, horrible video…some true, some lies, but the delivery is BOO

  46. Ron Ruggieri on November 29, 2021 at 1:10 am

    Perhaps some not too busy Providence Journal reporter can investigate just how many Rhode Island state officials can actually be reached at their published e-mail addresses ?

  47. river run on November 29, 2021 at 1:11 am

    You’re correct despite buddy Cianci downfalls he built the city of Providence and if he was alive I would vote him for mayor again

  48. Atlantic Rides Inc on November 29, 2021 at 1:11 am

    Absolutely nobody in Rhode Island calls it "Little Rhody." Not everyone in Rhode Island lives near a beach, but swimming is comfortable most of the summer. And boring? With all of their colleges and universities? Brown? RISD? JWU? A fantastic food scene? Bars, museums, theater? The East side? Federal Hill? I’d wouldn’t call it boring.

  49. MATTHEW brady on November 29, 2021 at 1:12 am

    I don’t think you have spent any time in Rhode Island.

  50. Rob Considine on November 29, 2021 at 1:12 am

    This guy is an idiot. I was born and raised in Lil’ Rhody and let me tell you…although its expected that I’m going to be a little biased, I can’t help but feeling more than a little offended by this guys declarations. First of all, how can someone title a video "Top 10 Reasons NOT to move to RI…" and then start off saying "Now I’m not saying this is a reason why you shouldn’t move to Rhode Island, Its just an observation I’ve made… Sorta silly ain’t it? Also, the whole "I hope you like seafood " thing…Ummmmm… its 2021. I’m pretty sure you can eat whatever you want. There are the same restaurants in RI as there are everywhere else. I travel ALOT for work repairing submarines for the navy (a job I obtained in RI by the way) and I have been to many different areas from San Diego, CA to Portsmouth, NH. And Jacksonville,FL to Bremerton,WA. Spent alotta time in Hawaii lotta places mixed up in between and in none of these places not even in Rhode Island did anyone force me to eat something I didn’t want to. Saying folks from RI only eat seafood is like saying folks from North Carolina only eat barbecue…I mean come on man. Not only can you order whatever you want from any popular chain restaurant but any of the local owned neighborhood restaurants will also offer you a vast abundance of choices of both seafood and non-seafood varieties. Oh & guess what? Since you live in the greatest free country in the world, I’m pretty sure the people at any grocery store in RI will let you buy anything you like. Unless you go to one owned and run buy the Gestapo…And even those are going keep the lobster and mussels for themselves lol. As far as being a part of Connecticut, that’s false before it was recognized as one of the original 13 colonies founded by a man named Roger Williams (the truth, look it up) it was a penal colony for Massachusetts to banish all their vagrants and vagabonds from Mass. to the coastal salt marshes and swamps of what we now know as The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations…(again, the truth…the smallest state with the biggest name. Look it up that is RI’s official name.) I can spout off about a million facts and reasons and personal opinions about why Lil’ Rhody is great but honestly its not any better than any other place I’ve been to…or any worse. Its just home and will always be home. I left in 2003 and never moved back but will always consider area code 401 my home. And that’s all there is to say about that. Oh except one more thing…yes former Mayor Buddy Cianci was convicted and sentenced to Prison for assault and battery of a RI State Trooper who WAS cheating with his wife & sure when he was released he ran for office again & won…not because he was a criminal or we all seen to many gangsters movies but because he was a great Mayor who did great things for the city of Providence. It’s a shame that some damn Assistant District Attorney locked his sights on him and got him on the Racketeering charge (which the things they had against him were illegal but it’s the same shit EVERY politician in the 50 states of this great nation are guilty of.) YES This man deserved to be Mayor…State Senator SURE…HELL, Congress maybe even President WHY NOT. But alas hes passed on…so maybe the Mon senior of his parish nominates him to the Bishop for Sainthood huh? ABSO-FRIGGIN-LUTELY !!!!
    So that’s my rant & rave. Like it or dont…It is what it is and that is all that it is.