AR15 Extractor Upgrade Kit M16

AR15 Extractor Upgrade Kit M16

Host Rob Parham demonstrates the installation of Buffer Technologies’ AR15/M16 Extractor Upgrade Kit in this edition of The Inside Track. The extractor upgrade eliminates known extraction probelsm on the AR15/M16 familly of weapons.

The Extractor Upgrade Kit can be ordered at

Many other tactical accessories can also be found on the Buffer Technologies website at


  1. j pun on October 28, 2021 at 8:23 pm

    what are the benefits of upgrading the power of extraction? Why doesn’t it come standard? Mainly my problem as been spent casings getting stuck in the barrel and the extractor not pulling them out. Only happens with Russian ammo

  2. Joe Holtz on October 28, 2021 at 8:24 pm

    I just did this for my ar15 pistol. my ATI hybrid pistol bolt ran great in my PSA ar15 pistol but my psa rifle bolt kept having double feeds with the psa rifle bolt. is there any reason this will be a problem putting it back in my psa rifle after the upgrade??

  3. Robert Hall on October 28, 2021 at 8:31 pm
