This is the United States Army T.F. 9 2510 black and white 1957 training film for renovating ammunition. Soldiers unload boxes of ammunition from a USAX 24668 train car (:37-1:10). Ammo boxes are inspected for deterioration (1:11-1:25). A 90-millimeter projectile is shown (1:32). Renovation is done by the ordinance renovation units, shown riding in a military jeep (2:03-2:21). A job description and flow chart documents are shown (2:27-2:57). Detailed diagrams of how to set up the renovation line are shown (3:20-6:54). First to renovate is semi-fixed 105-millimeter howitzer ammunition (6:57). Unsafe cases are marked for destruction (7:09-7:50). The propellent is removed from the cartridge case (7:55-8:33). The dented case is pounded out and the propellent put back in (8:35-9:10). The process of replacing the fuse and booster includes using a fuse wrench or mechanically removing it within a shielded location using a mirror (9:11-10:42). Rusty projectiles are cleaned, repainted (10:43-11:38) and re-stenciled (11:39-11:48). Inspection involves a ring gauge and the case is chamber-gauged (11:49-12:26). Some packing materials are marked for reconditioning (12:27-12:50). Rust is removed before repainting the metal (12:51-13:13). Damaged packing boxes are repaired and re-stenciled (13:15-13:35). The round is placed in the re-stenciled fiber container, sealed with tape (13:36-14:25), and packed (14:26-14:35). Defective fuses are destroyed by demolition (14:36). To renovate fixed ammunition, the projectile is removed using a disassembling/assembly machine (14:37-16:10). The fuse is removed using a fuse wrench and the propellent poured out (16:11-16:38). Defective primers are replaced by firing the old one (16:39-17:08). The fire primer is removed from the case with a hammer and rod, and a new one inserted using a press (17:09-17:55). Rehammered, (17:56-18:17), the case is refilled with the correct weight of propellent (18:18-19:03). A crimping machine crimps cases and projectiles together, which are chamber gauged, put in a fiber container, taped, and stenciled (19:51-20:33). For 155-millimeter projectiles, the lifting plug in the nose is unscrewed and the supplementary charge lifted out, inspected, cleaned, and gauged (20:34-21:35) and then put back in and the screw threads lubricated and reassembled (21:36-22:05). A fuse well cup is removed from projectiles without supplementary charges (22:06-22:30). 155-millimeter projectiles need repair to the steel base plate, frozen nose plugs, and rotating bands (22:31-22:58). A bazooka rocket is reconditioned, including checking electrical connections on a circuit continuity tester (22:59-23:42). Rocket fins are replaced (24:00-24:28). Mortar ammunition needs the increments removed before renovating (24:29-25:16). An operational shield and remote control is used to replace a fuse on a mortar round (25:17-25:30). Damaged small arms 30 and 50 caliber ammunition is checked (25:25-26:35). Hand grenades have a barricade pit to be thrown into should accidental ignition occur (26:36-26:57). Defusing a hand grenade uses an operational shield and is then re-fused (26:58-27:27). Obsolete mine fuses are replaced by modifying the mine on a press (27:28-29:06), before it is re-crated and sealed. (20:07-29:25). Only the shipping container of pyrotechnics are inspected (29:26-29:38). The ending is a fast summary of the rest of the film.

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This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com


  1. NonNobisSolum on November 12, 2021 at 8:43 pm

    Well, THAT job would suck.

  2. Key West Steve on November 12, 2021 at 9:00 pm

    I know it’s a silly observation but the design of later grenades, just smooth round and ball-like, was so boring looking compared to the tough looks of the WW2 and Korean War era pineapple grenades!

  3. Monty Smith on November 12, 2021 at 9:02 pm

    and how many times can it be renovated before it considered totally un-useable and must be destroyed

  4. Brian W on November 12, 2021 at 9:04 pm

    I’m an avid reloader and it’s nice to see how the pros do it 🙂
    Bet they don’t do it this way now, probably throw it away…
    Thank you for another excellent video 🙂

  5. Phaedrus on November 12, 2021 at 9:07 pm

    I came by here to learn about semi-fixed ammunition and learned a great deal more than I came for.