RPG-7 the Glorious Soviet Army's Anti Tank Weapon

RPG-7 the Glorious Soviet Army's Anti Tank Weapon

The RPG 7 is quiet possibly the most infamous and iconic anti tank weapon ever invented. The soviet army knows how to put together a solid reliable launcher I’ll say that much. The Russian army still uses this launcher to this day after it being in use from the 1960s.

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Find out the history of the Soviet era rocket launcher. How has the RPG-7 evolved over time, what upgrades and changes have been made and where does it fit within the pantheon of military primary weapons?


Email capelluto@taskandpurpose.com for inquires.


  1. adeedaas on July 11, 2023 at 4:59 am

    >T90 >Modern >Pick one

  2. Владимир on July 11, 2023 at 5:00 am

    That russian word is just rpg in whole words like Rocket propeld gernade.

  3. shoreiguess on July 11, 2023 at 5:02 am

    9:08 abrams gets hit* “the fuck?”

  4. SAMMY THE DWARF on July 11, 2023 at 5:02 am

    Thank you for your service and thank you for the explanation!

  5. BBk on July 11, 2023 at 5:03 am

    2:17 I want the Davy Crockett. Fire and forget about whatever it hits and surrounding ☺️

  6. Barnabus Korrum on July 11, 2023 at 5:07 am

    Take and a .50? NA mY TANKS GOT AN RPG. Fight 2 tanks at once.

  7. Sooth Sayer on July 11, 2023 at 5:10 am

    trust me if you got 3 guys with and an RPG7 each, successively roughly hitting a Abrams tank, it will be destroyed. The first rpg will activate and expend the kill system. The 2nd RPG, fired half a second later, will expend the ERA and expose bare metal.. The third shot is the money shot where the guy finally jizzes brimstone and fire inside the Abrams tank.

  8. Private caller on July 11, 2023 at 5:10 am

    Love how you introduce the rpg-7 in Vietnam to scenes of the US using M113 death traps in convoys

  9. NIKKO on July 11, 2023 at 5:10 am

    Who are you?

  10. Ahmed Adly on July 11, 2023 at 5:10 am

    @9:36 BMP and BTRs are just IFV and are prone just like American and European counterparts. Also, the RPG-7 was used successfully against Abrahms with lucky shots to the turret ammo compartment and engine.
    Putting a tank out of the fight is better than killing it, because it then has to be rescued by other tanks and severally changes the battle situation.

    So when an army has lots of them, they change the battle strategy. Although limited.

    BTW, you don’t suck. Unlike the other guy who runs this show.

  11. watcher57 on July 11, 2023 at 5:11 am

    With smart scopes and night range finder .prox fuzed burst for anti infantry or recons

  12. larry minster on July 11, 2023 at 5:15 am

    Great video.. The question I have is when the motor fires does the thrust go forward, towards the warhead then gets redirected back through what appears to be vents on the front warhead or is there an opening in the back of the motor? It looks like there is an initial burst that pushes the rocket out of the tube

  13. Barnabus Korrum on July 11, 2023 at 5:15 am

    Oh, what was that? A state made weapon had one launcher and just changed the head???? Sounds like Over bloated-bureaucratic cApITaLiSm is getting in the way. Shame that.

  14. Darryl Douglas Marbaniang on July 11, 2023 at 5:16 am

    I honestly think that the RPG was inspired more by the late WW2 German (prototype) Panzerfaust-100 series and was sequentially upgraded over the years.

  15. Trygveblacktiger on July 11, 2023 at 5:16 am

    Rpg would most likely continue to be used even by Russia. As while yes useless against tanks it can still deal with IFV’s and infantry. Which is way more common to meet on the battlefield in large numbers. Plus you can save weight with having one guy armed with the RPG and either an assistant with a few more rockets allowing rest of the squad to carry more tactical equipment or ammo.

  16. philippe gauthier on July 11, 2023 at 5:18 am

    RPG-7 average price 500-1000$ rocket price -100-500$ AT4 average price:1500-2000$ (nlaw average price ( i dont find true data) but what i find its around 25k-40k each

  17. Warren B on July 11, 2023 at 5:19 am

    3:55 Hey, look, it’s Justin Trudeau.

  18. Ben Ben on July 11, 2023 at 5:20 am

    American and Russia have been at it since I can remember

  19. Admiral Percy on July 11, 2023 at 5:20 am

    I understand that the Chechens would defeat explosive reactive armor with the RPG-7 by making a beehive of them, simultaneously launches multiple rockets

  20. Dan C on July 11, 2023 at 5:23 am

    I’ve had these fired at my vehicle. I’ve seen them go corkscrewing out into nowhere with a plastic trash bag tied to the end of it. Insurgent version of the Teflon tip bullet I guess. Iraqi stuff.

  21. Christopher Leong Wei Hao on July 11, 2023 at 5:23 am

    Ah the rpg. Ain’t as good as it used to be… but still as reliable and lasting as a hammer. I bet if we started settling on new worlds with weapons this launcher would be one of them… (since it’s cheap and reliable)

  22. CaptainKill1124 on July 11, 2023 at 5:25 am

    Shit against western tanks effectiv against Soviet and Russian tanks

  23. Wes Idk on July 11, 2023 at 5:25 am

    "The RPG is more durable so the AT4 is better" ☠️

  24. Andrew Martinez on July 11, 2023 at 5:27 am

    Lmao that ikea and martial comment had my in tears

  25. Luke D on July 11, 2023 at 5:30 am

    In Burma I shot an RPG 7 at some realy old messed up cars, i fired 2 shaped charges and about 5 grenaides, they would just unscrew the shaped charge and then unscrew the fuse from a Russian style grenade then screw it on the end of a rocket, it was much more accurate and flat shooting.

    They had some newer rocket launchers and the guy explained to me that first you loaded a 12.7 round similar to a 50bmg but a tiny bit rigger Soviet 12.7 not sure if they used standard or exploadig roounds or if it was a different chambering to standard Soviet 12.7

    When you fired it would shoot the 12.7 rifle and shaped charge rocket at the same time with the Idea the I think explosive 12.7mm bullet firing much faster than the rocket would hit the reactive armour and set it ofaoing room for the shaped charge.

    No idea if it was Russian or Chinese but most of the gear in Burma was Chinese and some Soviet and Vietnamese.

    I don’t think China makes millitary grade AKs (type 56 assult rifles) anymore.
    At least one company makes kind of sus civilian AKs.

    I think they sold the tooling to somewhere in Africa then they sold the tooling for the type 81 a milled reciver with AK ergenomics with a short stroke SKS gas piston and longer barrel in 7.62×39 to Bangladesh.

    They are still used in 2nd or 3rd line units but the Chinese realy prefer the SKS over the AK apart from short range due to the extra accuracy.

    I have shot the Chinese type 95 and 03 assult rifles in 5.8 Chinese assult rifle, it felt like it had more kick than 5.56 and 5.45. Pretty accurate for steel case.

    The standard pistol was pretty fun it used AP 5.8 pistol rounds in a duel feed mag that holds 20 with a DA/SA felt more snappy than the FN five seven and I really prefer da/SA over striker fired.

    They have marksman and sniper rifles ranging from 5.8 assult rifle but using match grade, 7.62×54 match 12.7 Soviet but what really surprised me is they make weapons in .338L not sure if it’s steel case like the rest but in my opinion .338L is the most accurate anti personal round with crazy ranges, pretty sure it was the longest kill by a Canadian sniper.

    Now for aid or weapons their own version of the M4 /M16 and brass case 5.56 is the most common export, DMR rifles in 7.62×51 NATO pretty sure they make brass case ammo.

    Then a wide range of pistols mostly in 9mm para but some in 7.62×25.

    Also alot of surplus 7.62×39 7.62x54r and 7.62×25.

    They make most of their own assult rifles in 5.56 for export but most go with Chinese M4s or M16s, in the past they used to be bad quality now they are much better, they realy improved the barrels so all are cold hammer forged and chrome lined. Better alinium but not mil spec same with the bolt carrier but it’s MPI and they mostly provide them with free floated handguards and a flat top so you could put on open sights or a carry handle but most are provided with a red dot (most are made in china and backup irons)
    Also they stopped using that stupid revolver type hand grip and improved the trigger.

    Common in china for the police to use them.

    Some police also carry a SA/DA revolver with a safety that uses a propiatary rimmed 9mm round.

    It’s a lead bullet that’s quite underpowered but they just give them to police as they can train them in a week, it’s a revolver so pretty easy with low recoil and less likely to cause unwanted damage plus if lost ammo would be hard.

    Most police prefer the Tokarev as I was told by them they prefer it over 9mm as it has more stopping power (pretty sure they are using SMG ammo)

    Some undercover and generals get little .32 blowback weapons no idea if .32 ACP or their own.

    I kind of have a feeling the 5.8 pistols and SMGs are for disapline lol

    Both Europe and China the 2 most popular cartridges for a long time was .32acp and 7.65×25 Mauser.

    All bank security guards have what look like 12 guage shotguns but no idea if they are 12 guage of a propiatary guage that uses less than thethal and no idea what shot they use.

    You can go to a rifle club and fire .22lr pistols and rifles and sometimes 9mm pistols and rifles.

    Ironicaly more freedom than the UK.

    I really love AKs but the AK12 is a total fail kalash concern must have just looked at the stacks of 74ms they had and said we will make a great rifle, a nice wobbly hanguard on a rifle I doubt free-floating will do anything do as it has a long stroke piston.

    A selector stop that can be over ridden so it blocks the trigger.

    I have no problem with the full rail as in the similar system to what the polish use but I would still keep a side rail.
    But most captured don’t have any optics.

    The biggest fail by far is the fact you can’t remove the gas tube and I don’t see a way to clean the gass port, would not be so bad if non corrosive ammo was being used but Soviet made 7N6 that’s very corrosive is mostly being used and in pretty sure all russian millitary 5.45 is. And by the look of it they did not give a thick chrome plate or any chrome plate to the gas block the hole or the tube so while you can try to clean it with soap. Alaklinr and hot water, you can clean the barrel. I’m pretty sure the gas hole will get bigger and bigger from corrosion and some of the chrome lining will just chip off in the barrel.

    Then it will get ivergassed until the rear trunion can’t take it.

    I would much rather a AK74 with triangle folder ,side mount and nice optic. Preferably a bottom handguard with a dong and some pic rail screwed tight between the vents in the hanggaurds for a flashlight and IR/ red dot set up.

    If I really needed alot of rail I would go for the beryl rail system.

  26. Avgeek_227 on July 11, 2023 at 5:31 am

    7:42 this didn’t age well….

  27. Ant MAN on July 11, 2023 at 5:31 am

    You say "Everyone would be carrying around Davy Crockett’s" like it’s a bad thing!

  28. Kall TE on July 11, 2023 at 5:31 am

    penetration 20 inches of solid armor ???

  29. David Vasquez on July 11, 2023 at 5:32 am

    8:13 that’s one way to go fishing

  30. Wisconsintreeclimber on July 11, 2023 at 5:33 am


  31. Mark Skaggs on July 11, 2023 at 5:36 am

    Operation Urgent Fury, I was wounded in a RPG 7 attack, still did 10 more years and ended my career after Desert Storm. Thanks for the interesting video.

  32. MyelinProductions on July 11, 2023 at 5:36 am

    Thank You ~ Well Done. Be Safe out there folks ~ Peace & Health to Us All.

  33. Admiral Percy on July 11, 2023 at 5:36 am

    When you say that Western main battle tanks aren’t going to be taken down by an RPG-7, what about the more advanced, like the RPG-22, 25, etc.? Is an ATGM the only man-portable effective thing against a western MBT?

  34. banditchief on July 11, 2023 at 5:38 am

    This guys dumber than a block of cheese….let’s get some neighbourhood clown to make a vid on Russian military equipment….hilarious….
    Absurdity of USA continues

  35. CHip Hailstone on July 11, 2023 at 5:39 am

    The RPG-2 was a ‘simple Tube" basically a straight pipe.
    However, the RPG-7 has an expansion chamber thats larger than the caliber of the rockets caliber in the forward part of the barrel.
    Just look at it, you can see the larger chamber as the heat shield dosent cover the forward part. The rear part of the tube is constricted and this provides for a "High/low pressure effect to more softly launch the rocket prior to its ignition.
    Also , the heat shield protects the operator from the tubes heat, not the rockets, although the rocket is what heated the tube in the first place

  36. Andy on July 11, 2023 at 5:40 am

    Всё было хорошо, пока на 2:07 не появился клоун, который нифига не разбирается в надёжном вооружении. И вообще, у меня всё больше возникает уверенность, что он служил денщиком при штабном генерале, ибо не понимает, что чем больше таскаешь с собой футляров, тем меньше можешь утащить выстрелов. Небольшая статистика пробития M1 abrams, связана с небольшим количеством боестолкновений этих танков и РПГ7. Но статистика уже размочена в Ираке, где этот устаревший гранатомет отметился в уничтожении десятков M1…

  37. TheWorsePlayerEver avi on July 11, 2023 at 5:40 am

    even though rpg 7 maybe started to get outdated for modern tank, that thing still going to kill

  38. Thomas Andersen on July 11, 2023 at 5:41 am

    Phuken Jamshid…. The balls on that guy!

  39. BarsMonster on July 11, 2023 at 5:41 am

    RPG is abbreviation of both Russian & American name. R – rocket sounds the same. P – "Propelled" in English, "Anti-tank" in Russian, "Grenade" sounds the same.

  40. A. Ian Lim on July 11, 2023 at 5:41 am

    0:20 please stop misusing the word Literally.

  41. Ian Antoine Robinson on July 11, 2023 at 5:42 am

    My points exactly 💯

  42. why you stalking me? on July 11, 2023 at 5:44 am


  43. Red_Dog1880 on July 11, 2023 at 5:46 am

    Glad Jamsheed got a call out

  44. Sillypie Gamer on July 11, 2023 at 5:47 am

    yeah you better stay sharp about Ambusher aiming at Abram’s Engine Section

  45. georgiebest ManUtd on July 11, 2023 at 5:48 am

    The biggest scalp claimed by RPG7 was downing of 2 Chinooks carrying sime members of Seal Team 6; that was in bin Laden raid at Abbotabad

  46. Mitchell Culberson on July 11, 2023 at 5:51 am

    The Javilin is by far the best system with both direct impact & overhead detonation.Can an RPG be made to do that?Not like the self-destruct at 950 meters.

  47. CircleOfSorrow on July 11, 2023 at 5:52 am

    "Quantity has a quality all its own". Often remembered as "quantity is a quality of its own", and true 70 years ago. Not so true now.

  48. Task & Purpose on July 11, 2023 at 5:52 am

    Follow Justin Taylor here: https://www.instagram.com/formerlytalyor/
    What do you think of the Soviet Army RPG-7 would you rather have an AT4 on the battlefield?

  49. domnikoli on July 11, 2023 at 5:53 am

    lets stop using the t14 as an example as they are basically a myth at this point. russia is sending t64s into the war instead of the couple t14s they have which means its likely bullshit and hot air.

  50. MATHHEW TOMPKINS on July 11, 2023 at 5:55 am

    A friend of mine was in a convoy in 2003 when somebody tried to blast his Humvee with an RPG. Fortunately the firer didn’t aim properly and it zipped past his rear bumper hitting a rock and blowing shrapnel all over his vehicle.